We have drafted this set of provisional traditions that are intended to reflect the group’s conscience. Please comment below to contribute to the process.
1. Our common welfare should come first; AHA unity is necessary for the group to help individual recovery.
2. AHA’s ultimate authority is a loving, caring, and inclusive group conscience.
3. The only requirement for AHA membership is a sincere desire for healthy and fulfilling relationships.
4. Each meeting is autonomous except in matters affecting other meetings and AHA itself.
5. The purpose of every meeting is to carry our message to codependents who still suffer.
6. In order to avoid distraction and digression from our purposes, AHA, its meetings, and individuals purporting to represent them should never endorse, finance, or lend their name to any outside effort whatsoever.
7. AHA should be fully self-supporting and should accept no outside contributions.
8. AHA should always remain the sphere exclusively of member volunteers; but it may hire temporary outside technical and other services as needed.
9. AHA should be no more formally organized than advisable for reasons such as taxation, legal liability, and government regulation. But the group may create committees and boards directly responsible to those they serve.
10. AHA has no opinion on outside issues. Its name should never be drawn into public controversy.
11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity in media.
12. Anonymity is the foundation of all our traditions. It reminds us always to place principles before personalities. No one who has attended a meeting and nothing that has been said there should be mentioned outside.
Sounds/Reads good to me.
Hello, are these two meetings still active? I’ve been trying to join an AHA CoDA meeting for a few months but there is nobody there when I log in.
Friday 6 PM CDT
Monday 6 PM CDT
I also want to try the Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evening meetings,
The schedule is up to date. Monday is happening. Our Friday meeting is at 4pm Friday.
I went to ACOA for years but was always thrown by the “higher power” reference. When I found this site and read through it, I felt myself fully exhale for the first time in a long time – maybe ever.